4 Facts About Gastroesophageal Cancer
Have chest pain? Experiencing heartburn? What is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)? What are the symptoms to look out for? Where exactly is the oesophagus? Why is an early endoscopy assessment important?
Is Burping a Sign of Gastroesophageal Cancer?
Burping excessively? Chest feeling uncomfortable when lying down? What is hiatus hernia? What tests can be done when one has GERD? What is Barrett's Oesophagus and how is it worrying? Can GERD be treated by ONLY eating healthier and exercising more?
Obesity: Risk Factors & Treatments
What is considered obese? Can obesity lead to gastroesophageal cancer? Is improving your diet and exercising enough to treat obesity? What is metabolic and bariatric surgery and how can it help? From lifestyle modifications to medication and surgery, General & Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon Dr Lim Shyang Yee provides a simple explanation that will help you and your loved ones understand!
Can You Eat After Stomach Removal Surgery?
Do you need your stomach to eat and live? How can you navigate life without parts of your stomach? How is each stage of gastroesophageal cancer treated? What are the benefits of keyhole surgery? What types of exercises can lead to smooth postoperative recovery?



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4 Facts About Gastroesophageal Cancer
Have chest pain? Experiencing heartburn? What is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)? What are the symptoms to look out for? Where exactly is the oesophagus? Why is an early endoscopy assessment important?
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